Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How to Cut an Onion

I think we need a little bit of fun on our blog, so in that spirit here is my how to on cutting an onion. (I'm sure some of you know this technique, but I know I'm not the only one that sat and cut up an onion like a bell pepper for years)

Step 1: Find your kids swimming goggles- the bigger the better as to not put on a crying fest
 Steps 2: Peel the onion and cut off the top
Step 3: From the top where you just made your cut, cut down into the onion 1/2 - 3/4 the way through the onion vertically from left to right about a 1/2 inch apart
Step 4: Turn the onion 90 degrees and repeat the above step (make sure you are holding it really tightly together for these steps so it doesn't fall apart and make sure you don't cut too deep or it will fall apart)
Your onion should look like this now
Step 5: Now lay the onion back down on it's side (cuts should be on the left or the right) and cut every 1/2 inches all the way through
Now wasn't that easy! :)

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

HAHA! I love this! I have some old lab goggles from school I will totally start using.