Thursday, February 28, 2013

Avocado/Pineapple Salmon

I posted my tasty dinner on Instagram the other night and I got a bunch of comments asking if I would put this on the blog so here I am!! This is kind of more of an "idea" then a recipe but hey! it does look delicious right??
Avocado/Pineapple Salmon:
by: Brooke Salcido
Salmon (I used two pieces, one for me and one for Chris)
Slices of Pineapple (fresh would be the best)
Chopped up Avocados
Seasoning for the Salmon.. I used salt, pepper, and lemon pepper
Olive Oil
All you do is lightly brush the Salmon with olive oil,season with pepper, salt, and lemon pepper. then squeeze a little bit of lemon on them Cook in the oven at 350 for 15-20 minutes, depending on how thick your pieces are. You don't ever want to overcook Salmon you just want the pieces to flake off. Take them out of the oven and top with avocados and pineapple and there ya go!!!  I know this sounds like a weird mixture but for some strange odd reason it's really yummy!!!
and if you are curious about the white stuff in the picture it's Paleo Cauliflower Rice. My best friend is way into Paleo and I stole this recipe from her..
Cauliflower Rice:
-A bushel of Cauliflower
-Garlic cloves
-Salt and Pepper
All you do is cut the cauliflower up and throw it in the steamer, steam for about 20-25 minutes. You don't want it to be TOO mushy. Throw the cauliflower in the blender with chopped up garlic cloves and salt and pepper and blend. Don't blend it too much or it will turn into cauliflower mashed potatoes. :) hope you enjoy!

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